All Ovulation Pregnancy
  • When can I test with DAVID One Step Ovulation Test?

    Check out our NEW DAVID APP to calculate your fertile window and to a great start of knowing more about your menstrual health! Before testing starts, the length of the menstrual cycle should be determined prior testing. This is the number of days from the first day of menstrual bleeding to the day before the next bleeding begins. If the length of your cycle varies each month by a few days, simply take the average number of days in the last three months. Starting from and including the first day of the last period, count ahead the number of days indicated in the previous step. This is the day on which testing should begin. If your cycle is irregular, you may want to use your shortest cycle length when reading the chart.

  • How does the DAVID One Step Ovulation Test work?

    Luteinizing hormone (LH) is a hormone that periodically changes with the menstrual cycle of a woman. DAVID One Step ovulation test works by detecting the peak level (surge) in a hormone called luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine. The LH surge occurs approximately 24-36 hours prior to the release of an egg from your ovaries – a process known as ovulation. You are at your most fertile on the day your LH surge is detected and the day after.

  • If the result is positive, what shall I do?

    This means that ovulation is likely to occur within 24-36 hours. This is the most fertile time in the woman’s cycle. If you are trying to get pregnant, sexual intercourse within this time frame is advised to improve chances of conception.

  • If the result is negative, what should I do?

    This indicates that no LH surge has been detected and you should continue daily testing.

  • Can any medication or medical conditions affect the result?

    (a) An inaccurate results may occur in the following circumstances:
    1)During or shortly after pregnancy,
    2)During /after the onset of menopause,
    3)After or during birth control pills.
    (b) The test results should not be affected by pain relievers, antibiotics and other common drugs.
    (c)Medication containing HCG or LH hormones may affect the test and should not be taken while using this Ovulation test.

  • How do I know the test was run properly?

    The appearance of a colored line in the control region (C) tells you that you followed the test procedure correctly and the proper amount of urine sample was absorbed.

  • Do alcohol or common medications affect the test?

    No, but you should consult your physician if you are taking any medication. If you do get unexpected results you should discuss them with your doctor.

  • I have received the positive result and had intercourse during these fertile days. I haven't become pregnant. Why is this?

    Many factors can affect your ability to become pregnant. We recommend you see your doctor if you are under 35 years and haven’t become pregnant after trying for 12 months. If you are over 35 years you should see your doctor after trying for 6 months, and if you are over 40 years please seek advice from your doctor.

  • I've not detected my LH Surge. Why is this?

    Check out our NEW DAVID APP to detect LH surge more accurately! 
    Your LH surge may be too low to be detected, or you may not have ovulated this cycle. This is not unusual but we recommend you see your doctor if you do not detect your LH surge for 3 consecutive cycles. If you miss a test you may not see your LH surge, so remember to test as advised.
    Change of LH concentration should be observed and recorded during the test. Declining color of the test line (T line) color can also indicates LH peak.

  • I am now using the basal body temperature method (BBT). Does this test replace BBT?

    The rising in basal body temperature primarily indicates that ovulation has already occurred. DAVID ovulation test aims to find ovulation is about to occur. 

  • Will the amount of liquid I drink affect the result?

    We suggest that you limit your fluid intake for about two hours before you collect your urine. Large intake of fluids prior to testing will dilute the hormone in your urine.

  • How long will result last?

    To confirm negative results, the complete reaction time of 10-20 minutes is required. A positive result will not change after the test is completed at 10 minutes. However, in order to prevent any incorrect results, the test results should not be interpreted after 30 minutes.